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The issue of ocean acidification has only emerged recently with growing concern being voiced by scientists and stakeholders. While ocean acidification and climate change are global issues, the impacts will be felt locally. The countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea rely on a healthy marine environment; however, they may be highly vulnerable to both these global change issues.

Thus the scientific evidence must be delivered in an understandable way to policymakers and other key stakeholders in Mediterranean countries and elsewhere. In the MedSeA project we are developing a Reference User Group (RUG) of key stakeholders from the Mediterranean countries (MRUG). The MRUG objectives are to:

  • Advise on the types of data and analyses and products that will be most useful to managers, policy advisers, decision makers, and politicians
  • Advise on the format and nature of key messages arising from the research
  • Advise on the dissemination procedures to ensure that the results from the research are disseminated to all potential end users.
  • Transmit key science developments into their own sector and parent organisation

  The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 265103
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